BlueRoses -Girls Illustration Exhibition -
BlueRoses 5th Exhibition"Gift" Collaboration by 羽陽美術印刷
※BlueRoses 5th Exhibition"Gift" Collaboration by 羽陽美術印刷 は終了いたしました。
Exhibition :
BlueRoses 5th Exhibition"Gift" Collaboration by 羽陽美術印刷
会 期:2011.12.12(Mon.) - 12.18(Sun.) 11:00 - 19:00
会 場:Gallery CORSO
所在地:〒101-0051 東京都千代田区神田神保町3-1 日建ビル3F
電 話:03-3556-3636
Support :
東京リスマチック株式会社 /
参加アーティスト一覧 & プロフィール
東京都在住。雑貨の企画デザインを経て、2004年よりフリーのイラストレーターに。雑誌表紙をはじめ、「オズマガジン」等の 女性誌や書籍、大手企業のパッケージやポスターなど、ティーン〜30代女性に向けた広告媒体を手がける。 国内外のデザイン・アート誌にもとりあげられ、2010年からは海外での活動も開始。
主な実績:花王・プリティア/セグレタ【パッケージ】、花王・フ リーデイ【POP】、P&G・ビーイングガール【キャラクター】、ワコール【店頭ポスター、顧客向け冊子ほか】、マルイ・エポスカード、書籍表紙、Photoshop作例記事執筆など。
Resident in Tokyo. After planning and designing for gifts and general goods, she became a freelance illustrator in 2004.
Now she draws illustrations mainly for magazine covers, women’s magazines, books, and commercial media targeting young women from teenagers to those in their 30s, including packages and posters of P&G and Japanese major companies.
Her illustrations have been highlighted in domestic and foreign design and art magazines. She started overseas activities in 2010.
Resident in Kanagawa Prefecture. Graduated from Graphic Design Department of Nippon Designer Institute. After working for an advertising agency, she became a freelance illustrator in 2006.
She draws illustrations of females from young girls to adult women. She has worked for ads, magazines, books, websites, etc.
She has also created commodity packages and illustrations of book covers.
主な実績:VISA マルイEPOSカード・KONAMI(ゲーム映像用イラスト)・SHARP(モバイルコンテンツ)・SIGGボトルデザイン・BAR-5-ropongi内装アート・書籍、雑誌表紙・Illustrator作例記事執筆 他
While emphasizing interest as a picture, she draws illustrations of girls, expressing essences of modern cultures such as a compromise between Japanese and Western styles and “goth-loli” fashions.
Interpreting Japanese unique senses such as wabi, sabi, kare, and iki in a modern way, she fuses two types of depictions: animation & manga and design & arts.
She is active at home and abroad in various kinds of media including paper, digital, and websites, having drawn an interior wall painting at a club bar and creating illustrations for cell phone covers, screen designs, consumer game images and so on.
シンプルな構成と黒を活かしたタッチで女性をキュートに、クールに表現。スマートなイラストは、20代〜30代の女性をターゲットにしたファッションブランドのビジュアルイラスト・企業広告をはじめ、「TOKYO GIRLS COLLECTION」web版ガイドブック、化粧品・雑貨の 商品パッケージ等に使用されている。
他、CDジャケット、カタログ、雑誌、 デジタルコンテンツ等、幅広い媒体で活動中。
Resident in Tokyo. Became a freelance illustrator after working for planning for sales promotion.
She depicts cute and cool women in a simple composition, using black color effectively.
Her smart illustrations have been used for visual illustrations of fashion brands and business advertisement targeting women in their 20s and 30s, website fashion guidebooks, commodity packages of cosmetics and general goods, etc.
She also works for many media such as CD jackets, catalogs, magazines, digital contents and so on.
Born in Tokyo in 1973. Graduated from Department of Japanese Painting, Musashino Art University. He learned traditional techniques of Japanese painting from Gyokkou Tanaka.
Participated in an exhibition held at Mitsukoshi Department Store in Nihonbashi, Tokyo in 2003. Started activities as an illustrator in 2006 drawing illustrations of street fashion, etc.
CEO of AYANE International, Inc. Running a gallery only for illustrations “12G” in Roppongi. Active domestically and abroad in book publishing, event planning and exhibition planning of illustrations. Planned many exhibitions in New York.
He also made a cover illustration for a book.
After graduating from Musashino Art University, she became a freelance illustrator in 2004.
Adopting textile designs in her works, she draws retro and pop illustrations of girls which remind viewers of some music.
Her pictures of “girls in the 1960s” drawn with the eyes of the same sex have been popular among girls in their late teens to women in their 30s.
Her illustrations with motifs of music instruments drawn from her own music experience gain sympathy of women as well as men in various age groups.
She has worked for posters, covers of magazines and books, jackets of CD and DVD, iPhone applications, illustrations for stationery, etc. Recently she has started her activities abroad.
仙台出身。東京都在住。 東京造形大学デザイン科卒。2001年より都営地下鉄大江戸線の仕事を皮切りにイラストレーター活動をスタート。6年間のデザイン事務所勤務を経て2007年フリーに。
Born in Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture. Now resident in Tokyo.
Started activities as an illustrator in 2001. After working for a design company, she became a free-lancer. Using analog techniques with watercolors and acrylic colors, she draws many aspects of women closely not only as fashion illustrations but as works of arts.
The feature of her illustrations is melancholic face expressions, transparency, a radiating feminine attraction, and a vivid red.
She has worked for subways, TV, ANNA SUI cosmetics, book covers, magazines, CD jackets, websites, cellular phones, stationery, watches, etc. Her first solo exhibition was held in 2009. She is also active in participating in exhibitions in Vancouver and New York.
Artist’s Comment: I wish to draw illustrations for Andersen’s fairy tales, especially “The Little Mermaid.” I also want to design fashion items for Japanese costumes.
My illustrations in the exhibition are original paintings. I hope viewers can feel the warmth of my hands.
タカハシヒロユキHiroyuki Takahashi
キャラクター・パターンデザインを得意とし、 各種媒体デザインをこなしつつCLUBイベント等でのライブペインティングや、専門学校講師など幅広く活動。
Graduated from a design school. After worked for a design office for several years, he became freelance. His specialty is character design. He is quite active in many fields including designs for various media, live painting and a school instructor.
タニグチカズコKazuko Taniguchi
Born in 1981. A freelance illustrator drawing mainly illustrations of women who shine brilliantly.
Women in her works have very big eyes. Putting patterns on women of cuteness, expresses a unique atmosphere. She belongs to a group called “digmeout.”
She has created illustrations for a campaign visual of FM radio station, a railroad corporation, Japan Organ Transplant Network, Lotte, a women’s collage, etc.
She also works for magazines, ads, CD jackets and so on.
She has participated in exhibitions in LA, Portland, and Taiwan.
神戸出身。京都市立芸術大学デザイン学部卒業。 キャラクター文具会社サンエックスにてデザイン&アートディレクション担当後2004年からフリーに。
大人ガーリィなティストを得意とし、 広告、看板、商品パッケージ、 出版物、WEB、CDジャケット、企業コラボグッズなどを担当。
主な実績:ファッションビル渋谷109-2【テナントビル総合ビジュアル】、(株)ワールド系ブランド【企業コラボグッズ】、花王【パッケージ】、モバゲータウン【携帯アプリキャラクター】、JUDY AND MARYカバーアルバム【CDジャケット】など。
Born in Kobe. Graduated from Design Department of Kyoto University of Arts. After working for a stationery maker, she became a freelance illustrator in 2004.
She is specially good at expressing a world of girlish women.
She works for ads, signboards, commodity packages, publications, websites, CD jackets, corporation collaborating goods, cellular phone applications, etc.
京都在住の絵描きユニット。エロキワ京都をテーマにし、極彩色とグラデーションを使い 華やかな空気感に包み込む絵を展開。
実績として世界遺産熊野古道の参詣曼荼羅や、真言宗大本山随心院の襖絵をはじめ、千家淡交会の茶室色紙、舞妓衣装友禅・清水焼の図柄、割烹料理、祇園祭での奉納などの伝統的な絵や、博物館、国文学学会などアカデミックな分野、その他、よしもと興行、ELLE JAPON、paris collet、表参道ヒルズ、六本木ヒルズ、映画レッドクリフ、テレビ、クラブ、ロフトプラスワンなど様々な分野で活動している。
An artist unit living in Kyoto.
On the theme of extremely attractive Kyoto, they create gorgeous pictures in full color and in gradation.
They belong to learned societies for study of concepts. In addition, they research historical evidences by themselves and perform fieldworks. Their honest methods of drawing have been admired by many clients. They drew a sankei mandala of Kumano Kodo which is one of UNESCO world heritages, and illustrations for fusuma painting at Zuishin-in Temple, maiko’s costume, pottery, etc.
They also worked for museums and the Japanese Literary Society, an entertainment company, fashion brands, shopping complexes, films, TV and so on.
They often made the performances of live painting and video jockey with many popular DJs, musicians, and artists.
Artist’s Comment: Our dream is to draw pictures for our favorite manga artist and musician. Also hope to draw illustrations for Hermes, kabuki, shrines and temples, theatrical groups, and local festivals.
Born in Tokyo in 1979. Resident in Tokyo. Graduated from Bunka Fashion School. Started activities as a freelance illustrator in 2003. She draws women who are colorful and shining brightly on the theme of being “Cute, Pop, and Stylish.”
She creates fashionable illustrations for fashion-oriented women as well as pop-style illustrations for ordinary women.
She is very active in various kinds of media including websites, cellular phones, magazines, books, and ads.
主な実績:VOGUE NIPPON企業コラボ・Cerazette(UK)【広告】、ROLEAL・MATTEL(UK)【パッケージ】、 奥村愛子・THE MILKEES・大塚愛【CDジャケット】など。
After working for a design office, she became a freelance illustrator in 2001.
Her retro and pop illustrations are very popular among young women.
Recently design magazines have often introduced her works as being modern and graphical.
Her illustrations have been used for ads, packages, CD jackets by VOGUE, ROLEAL and other major companies.
She is now active in Japan and UK.
Born in 1981. Resident in Tokyo. Graduated from Design Department, School of Art, Nihon University.
Active as an illustrator since 2008 while working as a designer. The feature of her works is line-work like a Japanese painting drawn using Bezier Curve. She draws stylish, modern and sexy women.
She also started activities as an art director for a cosmetics brand in 2010.
主な実績はANNA SUI、zechia、アデランス、バンダイナムコゲームス、ユニヴァーサルミュージック、mixiなど
Resident in Tokyo.
She expresses in her work various elements such as fashionable, cute, pop, stylish, retro, psychedelic in her special way fusing arts and illustrations.
She draws illustrations of girls who have an impressive unique charm.
Her illustrations have been used for fashions, cosmetics, digital contents, CD jackets, packages, catalogs, posters, etc. by ANNA SUI and other major companies.
Graduated from Kuwasawa Design School and Setsu Mode Seminar.
After working for a company, he became a freelance illustrator.
Active in working for apparel, ads, packages, magazines, books, websites, CD jackets, etc.
He draws various kinds of women in his Japanese-style artistic works as well as in his fashion illustrations.
Artist’s Comment: When drawing women, I try very hard to draw women who can be accepted even by women.
ミヤモト ヨシコYoshiko Miyamoto
京都のデザイン事務所でweb・DTP を経験し、2005 年上京、フリーイラストレーターとして独立。
Born in Shimane Prefecture in 1977. Resident in Kanagawa Prefecture.
After working as a web and DTP designer for a design office in Kyoto, she moved to Tokyo in 2005 to become a freelance illustrator.
Combining analog and digital techniques, she draws illustrations of cute adult women with a sense of transparency.
Active in drawing illustrations for magazines, books, websites, posters, brochures, tapestries, packages, etc.